Friday, May 24, 2013

African American Issues

It has become apparent for many years that African Americans are so caught up in the commercialization of material wealth that we have inexplicably denied our children the opportunity to prosper in this great country.  Many African Americans do not pass on generational wealth as well as the knowledge and understanding of how to acquire wealth.  The purchase of the latest tennis shoes, cars, clothes or the indulgence in those things that have no real value leaves our future generations nothing to look forward to as well as gives them a false sense of self-esteem.  Other minority groups are using the means ability that is at their disposal to grow their communities and become power brokers, not only locally but nationally and internationally.  African Americans have to wake up to the reality that the government is not going to pour out the "40 acres and a mule" on us that they promised us after the Emancipation Proclamation.  It is up to each and every African American to look in the mirror and make the decision that they are going to determine their destiny.  Don't get me wrong there is nothing with acquiring material things but PRIORITIZATION of things that are needed and wanted must be understood so that we do not pass on the mindset of irresponsibility to our next generation.  Our kids are looking at us and waiting on us to make a difference in their lives so they can move to the next level.  People wake up and provide direction for our youth by being a positive role model to them, not just by the material things you can buy but by your actions in the work place, schools, church and in the communities you inhabit.